For our current customers convenience, we have set up this on-line purchase order system, follow these simple instructions to place your tool order with us and we will ship your order the next woking day on all instock items.

1) use the provided search engine to find the item you wish to purchase. There are over 50,000 items in our database.
(you may search as many times as you need without disrupting
the filled in purchase order form)

2) use the search results for item number and description for the
purchase order form.
(for convenience you can also cut and paste the info into the form)

3) fill in the customer information as required

4) include any additional instructions or info you wish

5) click on the submit button at the bottom of the form
(the PO will then be sent to Brooks Tools as well, a
copy will be sent to you as confirmation. the order will be
processed, charged to your pre-authorized acct. and all
in-stock items will be shipped the next working day.)